No More Unproductive, Boring & Awkward Meetings!
5 Steps to Make Your Meetings Miraculous To ensure you make the most of each meeting, create a team charter so each member knows how to communicate, engage and innovate. Step One: Before you schedule a meeting, determine if this...

Build a High-Performance Team with these 5 Quick Tips

Do You Value People? Are You Valued?
5 Tips to Help Your Workplace Create a Culture that Communicates with Respect When people do not feel valued in your workplace, they may leave but they also may report or begin a legal action 1. Consider what is necessary to share: If...

Do you want more from your team? 5 Actions you can start today to create a high performing team.
On a team everyone plays a role. There are expectations for what that role should accomplish and how the person in that role should behave. Social media exposes how different team members are at work vs. their personal life. Question: Was that tweet...
What is your Campaign? 3 ways you hurt your brand, team and revenue
Product Pusher: Example: A decorator who wants to sell inventory pushes product but the customer wants a design plan. The customer wanted to be listened to and needed help to make his...