by katherine | Jul 26, 2019 | Blog, Media Room
Product Pusher: Example: A decorator who wants to sell inventory pushes product but the customer wants a design plan. The customer wanted to be listened to and needed help to make his...
by Katherine | Jun 22, 2018 | Blog
High School is fun, right? Well, Sometimes… so look at the list below of Bolded problems and tell me if you agree that the workplace can often be similar to high school: In the Parentheses ( ) you will see the needed training, so tell me should this training be...
by Katherine | Jul 18, 2017 | Blog
The definition of networking as written by Ivan Misner is, “The process of developing and activating your relationships to increase your business, enhance your knowledge, expand your sphere of influence or serve the community.” Online building relationships includes:...
by Katherine | May 19, 2017 | Blog
The power of Flo of Progressive, the Geico Gecko and actors who take on a spokesperson role bring power to a brand. The advantage of customers falling in love with or being entertained by the character (AFLAC Duck, the Pillsbury Dough Boy or Hello Kitty) is brand...
by Katherine | Apr 5, 2017 | Blog, Media Room
Breaking People or Building a Brand? ✅ Imagine being with a group of people who cut you off when you speak, question every idea you share, praise the favorite one while judging your every action? Everyday lawsuits are filed, workplace violence happens and...