What if

Dear Readers,      I write with a heavy heart today.  A very dear friend of mine has passed and it is hard to hold back tears.  As I spoke with the family we focused on the fact that he is in a better place, in god’s loving arms, as...

Increasing Your Passion and Productivity

 Increasing your Passion and Productivity   As a business motivational speaker, I was asked to explain how passion leads to productivity.  I shared a story about a student who had tremendous talent but was numb to learning. The student had not...

Stop Marketing, Start Motivating

Dear Friends,       Thank you for reading this blog and please know you are invited as my guest to the Garfield Hts. Chamber Luncheon May 19th  Let me know by e mailing me at [email protected] and I will get you in! I am speaking on my next book, “Stop...

Impossible “an excuse for not trying”

Dear Readers,      Thank you for your support!  This past week I was blessed to speak April 29th on the power of positive attitude and discovering your dawn at a book signing in North Olmsted.    On April 27th I was interviewed by WDOK 102.1 fm, Cleveland about my...

Meeting Planners

Dear Meeting Planners, You work hard and you deserve a speaker who will entertain, motivate, educate and engage your audience! Katherine is a marketing and motivational speaker who provides new ideas, resources and fun for your event. As a motivational speaker,...