6 ways to build relationships and revenue


The secret 6 were mastered by my mom and will live in me forever.


My mom was the best listener because she really cared about you! She gave you her full attention and just soaked up every word and remembered details until the last days of her life. My mom cherished our friends and my siblings, nieces and nephews can tell you if you told my mom a story about your friends she would follow up on it and still remembered details. She truly cared and was happy we had great friends.


My mom was an etiquette expert; she was polite and strategic in her conversation. She knew what was expected and showed grace and class in all situations. When I gave her in I Pad she would hold the button and we said Mom you can ask a question and she said, “I was waiting for Siri to speak first! “


My mom was well read and resourceful. When her daughters were sick she researched and persevered with doctors to provide life saving solutions. She had a way of convincing while still being respectful.


Resilience is my mom’s legacy, her health challenged her for a very long time but she endured 83 years.


Before emotional intelligence was understood my mom was modeling how emotions should be displayed to be respectful to yourself and others.



My mom was adored, cherished and respected because she cared and showed compassion. Her words will be remembered and her gift of cards expressed her love.


In business and in our professional lives we need to listen to learn, become an ettiquette expert so we are respected and respectful. To lead we must be well read and become resourceful to stay competitive and become exceptional. Resilience will keep you strong and help you overcome obstacles. Your team will benefit from emotional intelligence training and discover the core of the real problems.  As a leader you will be adored, cherished and respected which leads to stronger relationships and revenue.

The secret six were modeled to me by my amazing mother Betty Robinson who died in my arms on June 7th, 2017

although she is not physically here. The lessons she taught me will stay with me forever.