by Katherine | Jan 29, 2019 | Blog
If you believe you do not have verbal abusers or bullies in your workplace, TAKE THIS TEST As you read each scenario consider how your workplace could be at risk of a lawsuit if you do not provide training. Scenario A: Verbal Abuse Kills Teamwork Team members...
by Katherine | Jun 22, 2018 | Blog
High School is fun, right? Well, Sometimes… so look at the list below of Bolded problems and tell me if you agree that the workplace can often be similar to high school: In the Parentheses ( ) you will see the needed training, so tell me should this training be...
by Katherine | Feb 3, 2018 | Brands
Who are the Push and Pull that guide you and coach you? We all need someone who is the push to get you moving and to look at your faults and establish accountability. We all need someone who is the pull; they pull you in and slow things down so you can...
by Katherine | Jan 10, 2018 | Speaker
Leaders do you know what kills brands, teams and revenue? The real reason brands find themselves in crisis: best/loyal team members just left! This is the letter a leader will never get but if they did they would know exactly why their best team member left....
by Katherine | Jul 18, 2017 | Blog
The definition of networking as written by Ivan Misner is, “The process of developing and activating your relationships to increase your business, enhance your knowledge, expand your sphere of influence or serve the community.” Online building relationships includes:...