Increasing your Passion and Productivity  

As a business motivational speaker, I was asked to explain how passion leads to productivity.  I shared a story about a student who had tremendous talent but was numb to learning. The student had not found his passion.  As a corporate motivational speaker I meet employees who have lost their passion and become frustrated. 

I am blessed to work with a client this week who needs me to speak to provide resources and motivation to employees.  My speech is called “The power of Leadership, Problem Solving and Positive Attitude”  The client is showing their employees they care about employee retention, motivation and passion.  The first step to taking care of your employees is to give them tools to increase their passion and work smarter not harder.  The result of giving employees tools and resources is employees who are stronger, healthier and productive.

 Passion is gained through not finding exactly what you want but starting a journey to find your purpose and putting your commitment to the test.

Risking, giving up everything and believing in your purpose is tough but living your life without passion means complacency and living a lie. My mentors taught me that you must find your truth!  I call it discovering your dawn, the moment when your truth is known and you learn from your past.

One of my mentors says this is the day when you begin to live. It is not easy and does not mean your life is always happy it just means that you cannot deny what your purpose is and you cannot go back to the way you used to live. 

Some people wait for someone else to take action and I found that I was waiting for someone to write a book to help college students and my mentors pushed me to realize I had the story, the experience and the passion to help college students.  Mentors see potential in you that you cannot see.

Today secure mentor who will help you find your passion and take a risk to find your purpose.  You will unlock your potential!   

Wishing you all the very best!
