What your co-workers and family really want from you in 2014

They will never tell you… When it is absent it kills brands…. Sadly, we all want it but do we give it everyday? … What is it?    RESPECT At Miracle Resources our research and our work with businesses shows that brands are killed by words, behaviors, actions and non-...
Mock Shark Tank

Mock Shark Tank

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Respect/Teamwork Test

Is your office respectful?  Is your family respectful?  Can you function as a team without respect? Take the test to see how you score!  Respect/ Teamwork Test 1. Does your office or family really listen to each other?   Yes or No 2. After any type of communication is...


Seminar Schedule 2013 Seminars offered include: $30/session or $120 series. For Registration please call: 330.721.2210 All seminars begin at 6:00pm and end at 7:30pm The Bailey Building 14725 Detroit Avenue Suite 108 Lakewood, OH 44107 May 15th Stop Marketing,Start...