by Katherine | Jul 18, 2017 | Blog
The definition of networking as written by Ivan Misner is, “The process of developing and activating your relationships to increase your business, enhance your knowledge, expand your sphere of influence or serve the community.” Online building relationships includes:...
by Katherine | Jan 28, 2017 | Blog
Are your prospects confused about your brand? If so, please use the following tips to protect it: Use reverse look-up. As you brand yourself, you need to know who else shares your image. Copy a picture of yourself and paste in the Google search bar. Click on images....
by Katherine | Jun 26, 2014 | Blog, News
Katherine Miracle has been featured on Thumbtack as one of the Top 10 Motivational Speakers in the area. Check it out: Top 10 Motivational Speakers
by Katherine | Jan 13, 2014 | Blog
I am not a pastor or a counselor, but my struggle is with what people believe! We all have a personal brand and at work we know our company and products have a brand so what is the problem? Brands are built on beliefs about what they can do for the consumer....